Monday, May 31, 2010

Some right, some wrong...

Picture Source:Random email Fwd
With time on hand and a blackberry for company

Life is like a stream
ever so often, it meanders along
we do what we have to do
some right and some wrong

Judged we are by our actions
the context never to be seen
care one should not of the world
as long as hearts are clean

Some of it black some of it white
most of it is full of grey
we remain true to ourselves
that's for all we pray

Listen to your heart
do what the head has to say
and you will live long and happy
not at war with self all day

The heart yet has its way
plays it havoc every other time
lest you let it get its way
You will pay for that dime

Self redemption is easy
second chances come few and far
the head slept in peace
the heart walked to the bar

So choose your steps carefully
think of what you do
not that village bumpkin in town
the one that has no clue...

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