Friday, June 12, 2009

Bandra Boy II

~Time of Day: just past midnight~
Friend 2: Okay, that was a long discussion. I think I need to go to sleep now.

Friend 1: What's with sleeping off at midnight? This sounds like the cindrella-esque story of Bandra Boy [BB].

~Both ponder for a while on how BB is off to bed at midnight. Friend 1, the worldly one, offers a possible solution.~

Friend 1: Do you think like you, BB too needs his beauty sleep?

Friend 2: Why would BB need beauty sleep? Do you think it will matter?

~Sounding all smart, Friend 1 replies~

Friend 1: Maybe its for his inner beauty?

~Friend 2 is now rolling on the floor laughing and holding onto the stomach~

Friend 2: Inner beauty? Are we talking about the same person?

~Both slip into deep thought again on the absurdity of the statement. Friend 1, as usual, offers a solution~

Friend 1: Yes, for his Inner beauty! Maybe he needs it to even have a nice thing to say once a day.

~Friend 2 is again rolling on the floor laughing...~

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