Tuesday, April 07, 2009


In this journey called life
feeling the fear of crash and burn
Winding down an unknown road
Feeling the fear of a wrong turn

Astray seen the charm of life
Being led into a well gone dry
Unless we choose otherwise
Giving ourselves a try

Deep down lingers the feeling
Lest it does not work out
Horrid is the walk away
before the start of the bout

Trust in thy instincts
giving self the chance
shall sand slip through fingers
shall the horse prance

when things do matter
choose not to hate
charting the course ahead
not leaving it to fate

precious water you lose
untamed deserts as you chart
elusive will be the oasis
unless you choose to start


1 comment:

Amitabh said...

Some of your poetry is brilliant. I wish I could write like that. But then, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride, and I would ride my hobby horse to death :-)