Thursday, February 05, 2009

Fooled by Randomness

25 random things about me...

1. My name means ‘without boundaries’ in Sanskrit. It means ‘friend’ in Hebrew.

2. My name is often misspelled, something that irritates the hell out of me.

3. My brother gifted me a box of pencils at the hospital when I was born.

4. I wanted to be a pilot, eyesight killed that dream. I wanted to be a doctor, my aunt [a doc] knocked sense into me. I want to be a banker, is that dream killed already?

5. I once sported a haircut like the Brazilian soccer player Dida

6. My friends call me MAX

7. I hate jewelry. Unlikely to wear an ‘engaged’ ring

8. As a kid, I was an avid philatelist and had over 7000 stamps from 60 odd countries

9. I often street raced on my Kawasaki in India. Top speeds, weaving through traffic and straight-lining curves were not uncommon. I have had 5 accidents.

10. I write poems and short stories. I tend to dramatize a mountain out of a molehill when I write

11. My friends and I once watched ‘Friends’ for 18 straight hours.

12. I have never puked due to alcohol consumption. I feel nauseated in the back seat of a car though.

13. To celebrate India’s famous victory over Australia in cricket, I lit firecrackers on the college campus, causing a huge commotion.

14. I am allergic to tea. I have had tea four times in my life.

15. I almost drowned in a white water rafting expedition in the Ganges when our raft overturned in a grade 4 and I was stuck underneath the raft

16. I have gone through three days without any sleep. I sleep 4 hours on average

17. The love of my life is Rex, my German Shepherd in India

18. I have two blogs, but never had the discipline to update them regularly

19. I have never read a Harry Potter or watched any of the movies. Something about it just does not appeal to me.

20. my poison is Jameson’s 12 aged Irish Whiskey when had neat. For a cocktail, I love a vodka with lime cordial, tonic water, pepper, tinge of Tabasco sauce and lots of ice.

21. The head trader at work once asked me if I was British because of my accent.

22. As a dare, I once had 12 raw green chilies.

23. I was to swim across a river in India, but my dad never gave me the permission

24. I broke my leg as a kid jumping off the 2nd floor of my house, attempting to be superman

25. I am attempting to live my dream of writing a book

- max

1 comment:

Amitabh said...

This was quite interesting reading :-)