Friday, March 03, 2006

Wedding Crashers

Well...I saw the movie. It was inspirational. Some hated it. Some loved it. I, for one , loved it totally! I was so inspired by it, I decided to do it myself!
Well..before you let your imaginations run wild (mine certainly did!) with boundless freedom, let me put things in perspective. That was a movie! I am neither Vince Vaughan. Nor am I Owen Wilson. This is India. You are awake. So am I!
This is merely what the name suggests...about crashing a wedding. In case I have disappointed you, sorry for that! One needs material to attract attention. Else, movies and stars help gain that. If even that doesn't work, remember...controversial statements and sex always sells!
Enough of unrelated un-pointered talk. Lets get back.
Most things in life are best unplanned (unless your a manager and your a** depends upon it). This incident was one just interesting incident.
I was leaving for the day when a colleague came to me with the most insane of request. I was asked if I wanted to go for a wedding. I had the 'what the f*** are you talking about?' quizzical look on my face.
Here's what the deal was: A friend of this colleague of mine was getting married. With no company and with no conviction to go there alone, the question was popped to me...would I like to go...uninvited of course! I pondered over it.
To do...or not to one of the most interesting questions that you can ask yourselves.I had nothing in particular to do than to go home and pour over the Economic Times to try and make sense out of the Budget. Also, I hadn't done my 'whacky' thing for the week (something crazy once a week is a resolution) and time was running out. I said....'what the hell'..i might as well do it.
Once decided, the next question was the mode of transport. I was adamant on biking it down to Ghatkoper which is where we assumed it was supposed to be held. Actually, the card was in Gujarati and I couldn't make head nor tail of that. Any which way, I was supposed to be gate crashing! How did I care about anything other than a sumptous dinner spread.
We rode down there and after a minor confusion with the roads, we were finally there. But this was not before an over-zealous Auto-rickshaw guy nearly got us lost with his sense of directions.
Finally, we found the venue! It was my first time at gate crashing and I was feeling queer. But, as I entered inside and mingled with the crowd, we realised as to how facile it is to get into and out of a wedding without as much as the raise of an eyebrow.
It was a Gujarati wedding and a lavish one if I may add.
We got down to business! We hit the food counters! The groom was busy with a sizeable crowd of people. Not that I was getting onto the stage to greet him anyways.

5 mins into the food binge and I thanked my stars for the moment that I decided to crash the wedding! The spread was lovely and I was having a ball of a time!
Ever seen a 5 year of kid with 7 toys. He/she doesnt know which one to play with. My situation was pretty similar. I didnt know what to have. Hence I tried a bit of everything!
There was Chaat, Mexican, Italian, Chinese, South Indian dosas, juices...besides the Gujarati of course!
Had a bit of everything! The diet(???) went for a complete toss! All that hard effort down Chaat-Street!
Met these two sweet females and had a good conversation with them.
We raided the desserts like there was no tommorrow and as though we had just landed in a flight from the sub-saharan desert country.
The mousse, bengali sweets, pastries...YUMM!!!
Topped it all with this atrocious pan that was so huge (but innovatively packaged)that my mouth was stuffed for well over 15 minutes after which I decided to dump it all into the bin. I was quiet for the while. Everytime I tried to open it, the only acoustics that were emanated were the 'ummmphhh' thanks to the stuffed mouth!

We finally left with a burgeoning tummy and no phyical strenght.
All in all a wonderful event and my first Wedding Crashers!
Maybe the next time I'll ape Vince Vaughan/ Oven Wilson...
The above reminds me...DubyaMan is in town!

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