Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Future is bright...

This came along with my Orange bill. I refuse to call Orange by its new name..it sucks! So does that sissy pink that they've adopted! Talk about negative publicity!
This however doesn't take away from them the accolades for their sense of responsibility in educating les ignorants!

Mobile Manners

Common sense tips that help maintain peace and decorum.

Speak Softly
You can speak softly and still be heard. You are not George 'Dubyaman' Bush that the world needs to hear you!

Lights off, mobile off
At theatres, keep your mobile phone off so that you don't disturb others.
I am sick and tired of these people...they act as if they are the National Security adviser who will have to advise the prime minister to press the nuclear button in the case of a nuclear holocaust.

Pray in silent mode
God may call you when you're in a temple or church. But it is unlikely that He'll use a mobile phone. Or is it that they think that they are Bruce Almighty who will have to respond to the queries of lesser mortals?

Don't speak while eating
At restaurants, enjoy the food and company. Calls can wait.If you don't have company... i suggest that you should introspect. If you don't like the food, why stop the others from enjoying it? Multi-tasking is good only in Microsoft Windows. It isn't a smart thing otherwise. And please... telling your loved ones as to how good/horrible the food is can wait for a few minutes.

Anybody can tell a bad tune
Choose your ringtones wisely. Ringtones which do not annoy your neighbour or the people around you. Some people need to add 'low volume', 'silent' and 'meeting' to their dictionary if not their cell-phone profiles. If you think that your ring-tone is chic, listen to it in private. Imagine if your neighbours favorite ring-tone is Altaf Raja's 'tum toh tehre pardesi' or 'who let the dogs out?'. If it is yours, please get in touch with Bayer's pest repellent division. Ever considered filing a patent???

A word before a picture
Ask for permission before you take anyone's photograph on your mobile phone. Imagine if your photograph appeared in Times of India, clicked while you were mining for the Kohinoor in your nose! Imagine if you appeared on TV while you cozied up with a 'friend' or were caught kissing on camera...and your significant other saw the same!

Be sensible...be understanding...and don't be pig-headed. Remember! Man (and a woman) is a social animal. Never forget the social bit...

Copied almost verbatim from the Orange bill...hope that no copyrights are infringed. The idea is to merely spread the word. ;) The text in italic are comments from yours truly.


Mayank said...

God may call you when you're in a temple or church. But it is unlikely that He'll use a mobile phone.

They haven't read One night @ Call Centre!

Ozzy said...

I agree on your mobile etiquettes. This message should spread. If all of us started with ourselves , i am sure Bombay & the world would be much saner .

Reminds me of the time u made me pick my chewing gum cover and put in my pocket and dump in the bin :)

Gotta Be Max said...

@ Mayank: Well, if god is unlikely to call at the temple or church or any other place of worship! He has his own wireless connectivity there!

@ Oswald: Remember the time when we went to Rahul Da'Cunha's play 'I am not Bajirao', how there was this irritating cell phone that kept ringing!

Also, I made you pick the gum then! But I will not be there everyday and everytime. You need to learn and spread the word.