Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Are you game?


Well, we are planning a trip to this place called Jayalgarh (near Rudraprayag, up north) and Shivpuri (near Rishikesh).
The trip would include a package (offered by an adventure activities organizing firm) for white water rafting (on the rivers Alakhnanda, Bahgirathi and the Ganga), Bridge Slithering, Rappelling, Rock Climbing etc.
Besides this, we plan to do some sight seeing of our own (no tours and travels/packages here) before we actually join the camp. This would be in and around places near Haridwaar.

The Plan

The final itinerary isn't out as yet, but the dates are!

10th April - Evening - Leave for New Delhi from Mumbai via the Rajdhani
11th April-13th April - Sight seeing around Haridwar
13th April - Afternoon - join the camp
16th April Early Morning - Leave for Delhi
17th Morning - 8 AM - Touch down at Mumbai by Rajdhani. Back to mundane life! In comparison that is...

The 14th of April (Good Friday) may be a Holiday for some of us (It isn't for me). Some others may have an holiday on Tuesday the 11th of April (again, not for me!). In case you merely have the 14th of April as an official holiday, we can actually plan the whole trip with just three "leaves" (vacations/holidays or whatever it may be). This would be applicable only for those from Mumbai. The ones from Pune may have to take another day off to manage the same. People from other places (if any) are requested to do their own calculations.

The Cost

The Adventure package would be around INR 5,500 for a 4 days and 3 nights package.
The remaining cost would be that of the travel. The return trip from Mumbai and the travel in and around the place would be around INR 4,500. This is inclusive of the additional sight-seeing that we may do out there as well. One a whole, we are looking at our pockets being lighter by around INR 10,000. This is a rough estimate and could go either way. In case of it costing lesser, it would be returned. We are in it for the fun, not for the money!

In case this happens to interest you, please drop in a line...

Please refer to this post for further details and snaps!

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