Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Facade

Life is so strange. I feel alone. Yet I had a good time today. I went out. I did many things. Yet at the end of the day, in the middle of the eerie night, I sit here in the middle of deep darkness. I wonder where life is leading me. I want to lead the path. I wish to show the light. Yet I find myself typing my thoughts. I cannot see the keys that I am typing. They feel as if they are shots in the dark. Yet I know that they are not. Everything seems to be moving according to the plan. Yet I find myself confused. I see the milestone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some people have everything on the surface -- what you see is what it is, others are multilayered, multifaceted and complex. With them you get much more then you see, but those are the most interesting and fascinating ones!

What's wrong with the façade? People like the façade only? They don't see beyond it? It could be understandably upsetting. Is life much easier if you don't need the façade? You bet it is. But why would you want to simplify yourself -- for a fear of being hurt? The truth is we get hurt no matter what -- you might as well just be yourself, façade and all… You have to learn that we are not here to please and accommodate everyone around us, that some will never understand us, that we are not alone only when we are with the like minded people, and that it's all perfectly OK. Don't loose yourself in a fruitless effort to be 'the one that people look up to'.

When the lights are up, come to the mirror and say: 'I am happy with what I see and I don't care whether anyone likes it or not!' It's that simple. Because there'll always be someone who will skip the façade, and who will accept you totally and completely. But it only happens after we learn to make piece with our mirror reflection.

Does that make any sense?
