Sunday, December 18, 2005

Is it that tough?

The carol singing ended with a trip to the discotheque. And as I watched guys get drunk and behave horribly, i couldn't help but wonder...Is it that tough to stay in control? I dont think it is the alcohol that is making them do is their character..rather the lack of it. I was appalled to see the behaviour of some of the guys at the party...if that was how they behave with their colleagues, I wonder how they would be with a stranger!
All of us have hormones...and they often get the better of us...and our mind...but there is a thin line between flirting and being lewd...and that line is never to be crossed! You don't have to be Sant Tukaram, but you HAVE to be a genteman! It may sound like it was a common feature...but in reality, it was a handful who were idiots.
There are a always few rotten apples in every basket. And it is these that give the entire box a bad name. I have seen this kinda behaviour time and parties with the previous employer as well...and in the weekend trips to the discs as well...
I hope that the rotten apples mend their ways...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ameet!

The article is soo apt.. I like the way you have written it...

It has always made me wonder whether it is difficult for a guy to be gentlemanish... and thanks to you i have understood that it isn't :)

It is exactly what a girl has to go through time and again and i am very proud of the fact that i have friends who understand this!